May 6, 2012
Dear Spa Mariana,
Our 13th annual Seaholm Band Dinner Dance, Raffle & Silent Auction was a great success with nearly 300 people in attendance.
On behalf of the entire Seaholm Band Community we would like to thank you for your generous silent auction donation. Your donation of Spa Mariana – facial, massage, and manicure or pedicure was very much appreciated.
This is the only fundraiser for the Seaholm Band program, which makes this an important event. Our program continues to grow each year as we expect an additional 35 students (18%) for 2012-13. The proceeds from this event will provide funding for additional music, instruments, student scholarships, and uniforms for our growing band program, as well as clinicians and guest soloists.
Please know how much we appreciate your continued support of our music programs.
Thank you,
The Seaholm High School Band Boosters

March 27, 2013
Dear Maciek:
This year, silent auction at the “8” Annual Taste of LO held at The Townsend Hotel on March 21, 2013 was a huge success, raising $2600! This would not be possible without the donations of our many supporters. Thank you for donating a SPA Party for 4 valued approximately $400. Because of your generosity, these funds will help us to continue our scholarship program and allows us to assist worthy candidates by offsetting some of the tuition costs for the leadership Oakland Cornerstone Program.
During these challenging times, we are getting a number of requests for scholarship consideration. Thanks to your donation, we will be better positioned to ensure that the cost of tuition does not prohibit some of the area’s best and brightest leader from participating in the Cornerstone Program.
The overall Taste of LO event was a resounding success! Thank you so much for your contribution to that outcome.

Susan Williams

January 20, 2013
Dear Maciek:
With the close of 2012. I want to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude for your support of the Yoga by Design Foundation. Your donation of an elegant evening at the Spa with a glorious array of mini-Spa services went above and beyond. The food was delicious with the wine and music creating a lovely festive atmosphere. Your staff is amazing and Susan outdid herself.
Not only did you donate the use of the Spa on December 6, 2012 and many of your technician’s services, your donation of $380.00 from the proceeds of the evening was most generous. In addition for our Silent Auction you donated a Spa Collection ensemble and Oft certificate valued at $90.00 as well as a Glo-Therapeutics Facial package valued at $98.00. You also underwrote Orest’s services in creating the flyer and putting the information on your website. I am also very sure that there are numerous other donations and offerings that I am failing to mention.
The YBD Foundation has had a very good year, increasing our contributions and program offerings. Most recently, a program for Freedom House whose residents are political refugees seeking asylum in the United States and Canada. has met with great success. In 2013, we are looking forward to our partnership with the Detroit Lions-, our program with the Detroit Lions Academy begins this week. There are other such projects in the works as well.
Thank you for “sharing the wealth” with us during the 2012 holiday season. We are blessed to count you among our friends and supporters.

Lynn Medow
President and Founder

Harlan Elementary PTA 3595
North Adams Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Receipt of Charitable Donation from Harlan Elementary PTA
The Harlan Elementary PTA acknowledges and expresses appreciation for the following contribution:
A Spa Party for 5 people who will receive a mini facial, 30 min massage, manicure/pedicure with a value of $750
For this item, Good/Services WERE NOT provided in return for the contribution.
Donation was received from:
Maciek Lyko
Received: February 6, 2012
The Harlan Elementary PTA is a recognized 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization; our Federal ID number is 38-2618872.
Dawn Jensen, Treasurer
February 6, 2012

April 13, 2009
Maciek Lyko
330 Hamilton Row
Birmingham, MI 48009 USA
Dear Maciek Lyko:
On behalf of The Roeper School, please accept my thanks for your generous support. We deeply appreciate your contribution of the following item(s):
One Hour Massage! – Gift certificate good for 1 hour massage with Maciek Lyko at Sydney Blake Beauty Spaces.
Your donation contributed to the success of MOSAIC The Auction for Roeper 2009 on March 21, 2009 and we sincerely thank you for supporting the school. The IRS requires us to inform you that the amount of your contribution deductible for federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of the amount of any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed by you over the value of the goods or services provided by The Roeper School. There were no goods or services provided in exchange for your donation.
Please retain this receipt with your tax records. If you have further tax questions regarding your donation, please contact your personal tax advisor. The Roeper School gives no tax advice.
Denita Banks-Sims
Director of Development
The Roeper City & County School
August 22, 2012
Dear: Donating Company/Business
On behalf of Giggle Gang Daycare & Preschool, I would like to thank you for your generous donation to our silent auction; we are holding this auction for our families to raise money for a new playground and equipment for our center. The donations are September Through October 11m. We will graciously accept any donations whether it’s a gift certificate to your business, memorabilia, item, or monetary donation.
Your contribution makes it possible for us to provide a safe and fun playground for our children & Teachers. Both Life Christian Church and Giggle Gang Daycare & Preschool are 501(C)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Please keep this written acknowledgment of your donation for your tax records.
You may never know the impact your gift has had on souls until you get to Heaven. But please know this, Life Christian Church appreciates you and your kindness to us. We pray that the blessings of God surround and overtake you in Jesus’ name. Thank you for partnering with us, together, we can change one LIFE at a time!
Erika Webber
Dear Maciek,
It was so nice meeting you, and I hope you and your wife will come and tour Harlan. I’ll be happy to show you around.
Thank you so much for your generous donation! Your amazing item has been the talk of the school. All the moms want to win the spa party. Hopefully, you’ll get a ton more business with this exposure.
Sue Tay
Dear Debbie Moerschell,
Thank you so much for your generous donation of the “Express Yourself” Package for our new member fundraising event. It brought a lot of joy to the winner and helped raise funds for our partnerships!
Please find enclosed a copy of JLB’s tax exempt info for your records.
Very truly yours,
Tracy Keveligher
JLB member