Experience Ultimate Relaxation and Rejuvenation
in Thailand with Spa Mariana

Join us for a 10-day luxurious retreat at Six Senses Samui, Koh Samui, designed to restore your body, mind, and spirit.

Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse yourself in a serene environment where luxury meets wellness. Our exclusive retreat in Thailand offers a perfect blend of relaxation, cultural immersion, and adventure.

What to Expect

Luxury Accommodation

Stay in the stunning Ocean View Pool Villa at Six Senses Samui.

Wellness Activities

Enjoy daily yoga, meditation sessions, and a variety of spa treatments.

Cultural Excursions

Explore local temples, markets, and partake in a traditional Thai cooking class.


Experience island hopping, snorkeling, and hiking to waterfalls.


Per Person:


Itinerary Highlights

Day 1

Arrival and welcome ceremony

Day 2

Cultural immersion with temple visits and cooking class

Day 3

Full day of spa treatments

Day 4

Adventure and exploration

Day 5

Island hopping and beach activities

Day 6

Wellness fusion day

Day 7

Free day for optional activities

Day 8

Reflection and farewell

Day 9


Reserve Your Spot Today!

Limited spaces are available. Secure your place in this transformative retreat now and embark on a journey to wellness and relaxation.